niedziela, 24 listopada 2013

Configure Light Jockey 2.5-2.95 build1 with KWMATIK converter USB DMX512

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kontynuatora serii bramek ART-NET DMX512 "PROMYK"

 -------UWAGA ! urządzenia USB DMX512 z rodziny OPEN ENNTEC USB opisane poniżej i nie należy na nich polegać w szczególności na systemach od 2020 roku a MAC OSX od 2016 roku. Zaleca się użycie bramek ARTNET



Light Jockey 2.95 build 1 working with converter USB DMX 512, config procedure is identical like previous versions 

Light Jockey 2.95 build 1 install file is avaliable here:

Manual is here and files (
movie with example of working in LJ 2.95 Build 1 

1 komentarz:

  1. Hello, I cant find the files for this.. I have your adapter and Lightjockey Setup, (appears properly on device manager) and im missing the appropriate martinusb.dll. I actually found a zip with this and FTD2XXX.dll on your site but its locked and i dont know the password. can you please help me?
